Qualified Retaining Wall Inspections
Siefert Associates, LLC (SA) is currently working on a Qualified Retaining Wall Inspection project located in The Bronx, NY as part of the mandatory retaining wall inspection program enforced by the New York City Department of Buildings (NYCDOB). This program requires that all retaining walls exceeding 10 feet in height and fronting a public right-of-way must be inspected every 5 years. SA is certified as a Qualified Retaining Wall Inspector by the NYCDOB to provide these inspection services in all 5 boroughs. For this project, SA’s scope of work includes performing a geotechnical investigation to evaluate the sub-surface soil conditions, determining the overall geometry of an approximately 15 feet high retaining wall, conducting test pits and concrete coring to determine the footing details and evaluate the structural integrity, respectively, performing a geotechnical stability analysis of the retaining wall, providing specific recommendations to stabilize the wall if determined necessary, and filing the required NYCDOB documents.
To arrange for a Qualified Retaining Wall Inspection in New York City, or to discuss other geotechnical engineering needs, please contact Ram Kasturi, PE at (203) 723-1477 x232 or ram.kasturi@siefertassociates.com.