Join the Siefert Associates Team
Since our employees are our most valuable resource, we strive to provide them with the best possible working environment. We are committed to meeting or exceeding the compensation and benefit offerings within the industry. We support and encourage an open, honest and respectful atmosphere, the pursuit of professional excellence, balance between work and family, and recognition for reward and achievement.
In addition, we are committed to fulfilling our responsibilities to our clients and to our community. We expect each employee to make a personal commitment toward achieving their goals that will advance their career while at the same time improving our services and enhancing profitability. Our goal is to ensure that our employees are satisfied with their work environment and to identify any areas that require improvement. To that end we have implemented a process to recruit only the most talented workforce, to perform an Employee Survey on an annual basis, to develop a Formal Training Policy for all Staff for both Technical – Skills Improvement as well as Non-Technical (i.e. Time Management, Dale Carnegie Course, Leadership Training). In return, we expect each team member to contribute to the success of the firm, which ultimately equals success for the individual.