Excavation Support Systems
Siefert Associates has extensive experience in site characterizations, evaluating project needs, and identifying cost-effective, excavation support systems for complex infrastructure, commercial, and residential projects. Whether it be a 30 foot tall excavation adjacent to an active railroad, interstate highway, or occupied building, Siefert Associates can select an appropriate excavation support system and prepare a comprehensive design best suited to the conditions and needs of the project. We routinely specify and design systems incorporating solider piles and lagging, sheet piles, soil nails, and secant piles that are either cantilevered or supported by internal bracing or anchors.We have excellent relations with many specialty contractors that regularly engage us to perform engineering services for excavation support systems in the metro-New York area.
Notable Projects:
Replacement of MNRR Bridge Over Atlantic Street – Phase I, Stamford, Connecticut
Reconstruction of I-84 Waterbury, CTDOT Project No. 151-273, Waterbury, Connecticut
Widening of US Route 6, CTDOT Project No. 17-182, Bristol/Farmington, Connecticut
Replacement of Bridge MA-14 Over Matawan Creek, Keyport, New Jersey
New York University (NYU) Jay Street ConED Vault Replacements, Brooklyn, New York
Rehabilitation of Route 175 Over AMTRAK, Newington, Connecticut
Yale University Science Building, Whitney Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut