Rebar Cage Lifting and Handling
Throughout recent history, the difficulty of safely lifting and handling rebar cages has become increasingly
prevalent. Numerous deaths, along with substantial financial damages, have been caused by the sudden
failure of such cages. At Siefert Associates, LLC, we provide calculations and working drawings tailored
to our clients preferred means and methods in safely lifting and handling all varieties of rebar cages based
off of previous experience and the industry’s current best practices. To further progress these best practices,
the president and founder of Siefert Associates, LLC, Vincent A. Siefert, is currently the Chair of the ASCE
Rebar Cage Subcommittee. This subcommittee is a branch of the ASCE Construction Institute Temporary
Structures Committee and is dedicated to providing contractors, fabricators, owners, and engineers with the
knowledge necessary in preventing the collapse of rebar cages. With our knowledge and experience, we
have helped numerous contractors meet or exceed their deadlines and most importantly, aided in keeping
their job site safe.