Moses Wheeler Bridge Foundations
Services: Trestle Design, Cofferdam Design, Pile Support Design, Temporary Work Platforms, Rigging Plans, Drilled Shaft Equipment Support Frames
Location: Milford, CT
Owner: Connecticut Department of Transportation
Contract Number: 138.232
Contractors: O&G Industries, Inc.
The Moses Wheeler Bridge carrying I-95 over the Housatonic River between Stratford and Milford is undergoing a full replacement. O&G Industries performed the first contract, to construct the bridge foundation, which began September 2009 and was completed in 2011.
As part of the reconstruction project, Siefert Associates, LLC designed a cofferdam for the construction of pier foundations. The area of marine enclosure measured approximately 120 ft. x 40ft. PZC sheet piles with walers and struts were used for the cofferdam. In order to maximize working area within the enclosure for the contractor walers for the sheet piles were provided on the outside of the sheeting. Design required modification of structural members to accommodate interference with existing piles and other members.
Siefert Associates, LLC also assisted O & G during this contract by providing the temporary trestle design and construction plans. Other tasks include pile support design, temporary work platforms, drilled shaft equipment support frames and miscellaneous rigging plans.