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Monroe Energy
Liquid Seal Drum Installation
Services: Lift Plan Preparation – Crane Selection and Layout, Rigging Design and Dunnage Analysis
Location: Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania
Owner: Monroe Energy, LLC
Contractor: Matrix NAC
Siefert Associates, LLC was selected by Matrix NAC to prepare a lift plan for the installation of a new Liquid Seal Drum at the Monroe Energy, LLC Refinery in Marcus Hook, PA. The Liquid Seal Drum, which weighed approximately 90,000 lbs and measured 43 feet by 13 feet was delivered to hook by others and installed using a Grove GMK-6250 Hydraulic Truck Crane with a lift plan design by Siefert. The lift plan included a detailed crane layout, supporting calculations for the rigging design and analysis of the dunnage to meet the allowable ground bearing pressure. Matrix NAC successfully completed the installation of the Liquid Seal Drum utilizing Siefert’s lift plan.
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